Humanities Institute teaches tuition-free distance education Lifelong Learning seminars. Send the completed application to the Humanities Institute at the following address:
HUM 700 CIVILIZATIONS (9.0 credit hours)
Seminar Description
The Humanities Institute offers several seminars in Humanities 700 level during four-month semesters. The purpose of these full-time seminars is to introduce the student to world creativity in the Humanities.
The student will be guided, throughout this course, in choosing his or her own period, genre, and theme for future concentration; this choice will be direction-forming for the students. The Humanities Institute, in offering these classes, will assure a close working relationship between the student and his or her faculty advisor, who will guide the student’s reading and research, and who will work closely with the student in scheduled consultations. At the same time, the Humanities Institute will allow the student adequate leeway for self-pacing, presuming in the student the independent personal study habits that are the foundation for graduate work in the Humanities.
The certificates include the topics of Ancient, Post-Classical, Early Modern, Modern, and Postmodern periods and the areas of East Asia, South Asia, Central Asia, Southwest Asia, Africa, West Europe, East Europe, North America, Latin America.
Humanities Institute seminars trace the comparative history of civilizations. Each course traces the historical developments, political structures, economics, social structure, language, customs, folklore, marriage, arts, literature, architecture, science and technology, philosophical ideas, religion, beliefs, and aesthetics of the major civilizations of a specific period or region.
Each seminar contains a total of 9 credit hours. It is a combination of three 3-credit-hour courses in the subjects of history, literature, culture. Academic credit-bearing distance education courses require 45 hours of student work for one semester credit hour and therefore each HI certificate of 9 credit hours will require around 405 hours of student work.
The seminars draw on the resources of the Humanities Institute study guides to provide students with a unique vantage point and multi-disciplinary analyses listed on our library page.
Areas AFRICAN CIVILIZATION (History-Culture-Literature) CHINESE CIVILIZATION (History-Culture-Literature) ENGLISH CIVILIZATION (History-Culture-Literature) INDIAN CIVILIZATION (History-Culture-Literature) JAPANESE CIVILIZATION (History-Culture-Literature) RUSSIAN CIVILIZATION (History-Culture-Literature) TURKIC CIVILIZATION (History-Culture-Literature) Periods ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS (History-Culture-Literature) POSTCLASSICAL CIVILIZATIONS (History-Culture-Literature) EARLY MODERN CIVILIZATIONS (History-Culture-Literature) 19TH CENTURY CIVILIZATIONS (History-Culture-Literature) 20TH CENTURY CIVILIZATIONS (History-Culture-Literature)
Humanities Institute teaches tuition-free distance education Lifelong Learning seminars. Send the completed application to the Humanities Institute at the following address:
HUM 700 CIVILIZATIONS (9.0 credit hours)
Seminar Description
The Humanities Institute offers several seminars in Humanities 700 level during four-month semesters. The purpose of these full-time seminars is to introduce the student to world creativity in the Humanities.
The student will be guided, throughout this course, in choosing his or her own period, genre, and theme for future concentration; this choice will be direction-forming for the students. The Humanities Institute, in offering these classes, will assure a close working relationship between the student and his or her faculty advisor, who will guide the student’s reading and research, and who will work closely with the student in scheduled consultations. At the same time, the Humanities Institute will allow the student adequate leeway for self-pacing, presuming in the student the independent personal study habits that are the foundation for graduate work in the Humanities.
The certificates include the topics of Ancient, Post-Classical, Early Modern, Modern, and Postmodern periods and the areas of East Asia, South Asia, Central Asia, Southwest Asia, Africa, West Europe, East Europe, North America, Latin America.
Humanities Institute seminars trace the comparative history of civilizations. Each course traces the historical developments, political structures, economics, social structure, language, customs, folklore, marriage, arts, literature, architecture, science and technology, philosophical ideas, religion, beliefs, and aesthetics of the major civilizations of a specific period or region.
Each seminar contains a total of 9 credit hours. It is a combination of three 3-credit-hour courses in the subjects of history, literature, culture. Academic credit-bearing distance education courses require 45 hours of student work for one semester credit hour and therefore each HI certificate of 9 credit hours will require around 405 hours of student work.
The seminars draw on the resources of the Humanities Institute study guides to provide students with a unique vantage point and multi-disciplinary analyses listed on our library page.
Areas AFRICAN CIVILIZATION (History-Culture-Literature) CHINESE CIVILIZATION (History-Culture-Literature) ENGLISH CIVILIZATION (History-Culture-Literature) INDIAN CIVILIZATION (History-Culture-Literature) JAPANESE CIVILIZATION (History-Culture-Literature) RUSSIAN CIVILIZATION (History-Culture-Literature) TURKIC CIVILIZATION (History-Culture-Literature) Periods ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS (History-Culture-Literature) POSTCLASSICAL CIVILIZATIONS (History-Culture-Literature) EARLY MODERN CIVILIZATIONS (History-Culture-Literature) 19TH CENTURY CIVILIZATIONS (History-Culture-Literature) 20TH CENTURY CIVILIZATIONS (History-Culture-Literature)